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Response to “Radio Silence”

  I knew my March “One Minute Note” about abstaining from watching the news would be controversial. I received some very thoughtful responses. Here are two for you to chew on:  “I’ve been reading the newspaper and listening to KPFK, rather than watching the...

March One Minute Note

“The world has taken a nightmare pill.”                                                                 Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith   To listen to the news, we’re all in a pretty sorry state. That’s why I boldly report to you that I do not watch the news. Nor do I...

Jill’s Stroke of Insight

This is one of the most inspiring lectures I’ve ever seen. The talk is 20 minutes long. Chances are you didn’t plan on hanging out with my blog for that long. I understand. Go about your business, wait until the time is right, and then come back. You...