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redhead pretty face

“What a lovely outfit,” I said to a colleague at my new job.

“There was nothing clean,” she replied apologetically. “I just threw this on.”

This woman was dressed in vivacious colors and carefully chosen accessories. What was she talking about?

The deflection of compliments is common and unfortunate. Though I believe it’s meant to be self effacing, it’s not a satisfying experience for the one who made the kind remark. It says, “Your opinion is incorrect – let me detail for you why.”

Are you a Compliment Deflector? If you are, it’s a habit that may be at first hard to catch. Listen to yourself in conversation. Do you make excuses for your talent, accomplishments or fabulous smile?

If this is you, here’s a suggestion: accept compliments for the joy that they bring. Say “Thank You!” Then shut up.

Rave Reads

Here’s a sassy book for the professional lady: The Corporate Dominatrix by Lisa Robyn. This intriguingly titled read suggests that in order to thrive in the corporate environment, gals would do well to adopt different styles or roles depending on the situation. I learned that at work I rank high in expressing my inner strength and intuition – the Goddess Role – and that I’d like to develop my sense of authority – the Queen Role. (Men, this may be a good gift for the Corporate Dominatrix in your life.)

corp dom

Where in the World is Jean?

Now that I’m an employee, LAX is no longer my satellite office, my car is. I’ve decided to use the commute to set intentions for the day and pray. If you ever see me in my little orange Honda talking to myself, now you know what that’s all about.

Let’s talk about summer vacation plans. I’m heading to the Kern River for a rafting trip over the 4th of July weekend. How about you? Got summer plans that give you joy? Please share!
