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Will your local drug store tear down the Halloween decor this week and put up paper turkeys and tinsel? You can count on it. The holiday season is marching our way.

So let’s take a collective breath. Yes, you. Come on.

In you go…and out.

You’re a popular person. Events are being cooked up with the Thanksgiving yams and the e-vites are heading your way. As you consider your calendar, know that you have the right to make rest, exercise and quiet time a priority. After all, you don’t want to be the crabby one at the party complaining of holiday burnout.

Speaking of quiet time, if someone on your gift list has a health concern, I’m honored to offer my new stress management service – tailor made meditation CDs for healing, relaxation and comfort. Click here for a free sample.


Your Roving Speaker, Seminar Leader and Stress Manager