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I must be out of sync with the news – I’m so happy lately.
I must be out of sync with my country – I’m more hopeful than ever.

My optimism isn’t that everything will stay the same. It’s that change is happening, and it’s exciting. I wonder how my vistas might expand, how my relationships might deepen, and how I might tap into different skills and passions as a result of this change. Whatever this change actually is.

In her book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, Susan Jeffers offers this:

“At the bottom of every one of your fears is simply the fear that you can’t handle whatever life may bring you. The truth is: If you knew you could handle anything that came your way, what would you have to fear? The answer is: NOTHING!”

Please, friends. Give yourself credit for your competency and strength. Don’t underestimate your resilience and moxie. Certainly keep apprised of the news and respond with your best judgment. But at a certain point, turn off the TV for a while. Breathe. Slow down. Notice. Chew your food.

And if the fear creeps in, tell yourself this truth: I’ll handle it.

It’s the mantra of the moment.