David Abramson - Director

Thirty top directors - including Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorcese and Ron Howard - were asked to discuss how to establish a career in directing. The resulting documentary - made for the Directors Guild of America - was edited by David Abramson. Inspired by the experience, David began to direct projects of his own, including the action-suspense short, "Paranoia", the spec commercial, "Battle of the Sexes", and the quirky spoof, "Internet Dating".

IIn January of this year, his most recent spec commercial animatic, "School Yard Politics," was the finalist in the ground breaking political ad contest by MoveOn.org.

David's experience behind the camera informed his work as an editor on Episode 3 of Steven Spielberg's, "Taken" - the only episode of this ten-part series to be nominated for an Emmy for best editing, 2001.


Before this turning point, David had already involved himself in a variety of other projects penning three feature screenplays, editing two feature films and numerous shorts, and producing a micro-budget feature film.
Professionally, David has worked for Paramount, Disney, NBC, Warner Brothers and Universal handling post-production for major television miniseries, features and pilots.

David earned a graduate degree from the University of Southern California's Film Production program, where he studied with Edward Dytryk ("Murder, My Sweet"; "Caine Mutiny") and Ivan Passer ("Stalin"). He also took part in seminars with Bob Zemeckis ("Forest Gump"; "Castaway") and actor Dustin Hoffman.

With a degree in physics from Reed College, technical mastery of filmmaking came easily freeing David to concentrate on the more creative aspects of storytelling. Elements of his technical expertise have also found their way into his current project, "All Eyes."

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